Message from the President
Completing YUASA VISION 360,
Which Has Our Corporate
Philosophies as the Starting Point
President & CEO
Message from the Supervisory Manager
of Management Administration
Aiming for Sustainable Growth
Based on Our Corporate Philosophy
Senior Managing Director
Supervisory Manager of Management Administration
Interview with Outside Directors
We spoke with the YUASA TRADING Group outside directors about the Growing Together 2026 Medium-term Management Plan.
Value Creation Process
With our Corporate Philosophy as the starting point, we will solve social issues by accurately grasping market needs with a market out approach and connecting (TSUNAGU) various things such as people, goods, money, information, data, and technology. We aim to contribute to a sustainable society and maximize corporate value through TSUNAGU innovation.
Strategy to Maximize Value Creation
Medium-term Management Plan “Growing Together 2026,” which began in April 2023 is positioned as the harvest stage for the achievement of YUASA VISION 360. The Long-term Vision.
The Group will expand existing business and implement growth strategies domestically and internationally by transforming business models and developing existing business
partner networks.
Business Strategy for Realizing Business Transformation
Messages from the Headquarters General Managers
Messages from the Headquarters General Managers provides a business overview and vision for each of the core businesses.
Three Measures to Support Our Business Transformation
In line with the Medium-term Management Plan, Growing Together 2026, we will strengthen our initiatives for corporate culture reform, DX promotion, and promotion of sustainability to serve as the foundations for accelerating our business transformation.