Basic Approach and Environmental Policy

  • Environmentally Conscious Management

    We have positioned our environmental commitments as critical issues and conduct environmentally conscious corporate management.

  • Business Activities in Consideration of the Global Environment

    We will contribute to preserving and improving the global environment by purchasing, selling, and distributing products and services that contribute to environmental preservation and improvement.

  • Continuous Improvement of Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

    We will promote continuous improvements to enhance the effect of environmental activities. We will achieve this by establishing environmental objectives, goals, and Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to the extent technically and economically possible and reviewing them as necessary.

  • Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

    We will comply with environmental laws and regulations in our business activities and strive to prevent environmental pollution.

  • Publicity and Awareness Activities on the Maintenance and Improvement of the Global Environment

    We will conduct publicity and awareness activities for all YUASA TRADING Group employees. We will do this through environmental education to enhance understanding of the Environmental Policy and raise awareness about the preservation and improvement of the global environment. Also, we will post the Environmental Policy on the YUASA TRADING Group website and make it available to the public.

April 1, 2019
Hiroyuki Tamura, Representative Director, President & CEO