Message from the President
Based on our corporate philosophy, in October 2021, we announced our Sustainability Declaration with the aim of realizing a further evolution in our management foundations, which have developed over a period of more than 350 years, and of connecting us to the coming future.
The Sustainability Declaration is comprised of Harmony with the Global Environment, Business Activities for Service with Good Products, and Management that Respects Humanity. To provide the framework to realize the Sustainability Declaration, we have established a Sustainability Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the Representative Director and Senior Managing Director, and the Sustainability Promotion Office inside the Corporate Planning Department, to promote the action plans.
In more concrete terms, we aim to make the YUASA TRADING Group carbon neutral by FY2030 and reduce CO2 emissions by 30% (compared to FY2022) by FY2026. In response to biodiversity, in 2022, we started the YUASA TRADING Forest Project for environmental conservation through mangrove-planting activities in the Sungai Merbok Forest Reserve in Kedah, Malaysia, and conducted tree planting and environmental education programs.
The phrase “service with good products,” which appears in our Sustainability Declaration, is something the YUASA TRADING Group has long valued. It reflects the business ethics that have remained unchanged at our company since it was first established, which emphasize serving the market by providing good-quality products and helping realize sustainability.
Going forward, with the Sustainability Declaration as our guiding principle, we will continue working with our stakeholders to enhance corporate value and realize a sustainable society.