Name of the Business Operator


Compliance with Relevant Laws, Guidelines, etc.


Purpose of Use

Specific Personal Information, etc., related to officers and employees (including dependents) (including administrative tasks related to the items on the right)
Administrative tasks related to withholding tax
Preparation of declarations for (change in) exemption for dependents of employment income earners, declarations for deduction for insurance premiums for employment income earners, and declarations for special exemption for spouses of employment income earners
Preparation of salary payment reports
Preparation of notifications for changes in income earners subject to special withholding in salary payment reports
Preparation of applications for changes to special withholding
Preparation of payment records for individual recipients of retirement allowances
Preparation of retirement income declarations
Preparation of declarations, notifications, and applications concerning property accumulation savings for house construction and property accumulation pension savings
Administrative tasks regarding notifications for health insurance, welfare pension, and corporate pension
Administrative tasks regarding the No. 3 National Pension Notification
Administrative tasks regarding applications and requests for health insurance, welfare pension, and corporate pension
Administrative tasks regarding notifications for employment insurance and industrial accident insurance
Administrative tasks regarding applications and requests for employment insurance and industrial accident insurance
Preparation of employment insurance and industrial accident insurance certifications
Administrative tasks for the preparation and provision of legal documents related to financial product transactions for the holding association
Specific Personal Information, etc., related to individuals who are not officers or employees (including administrative tasks related to the items on the right)
Preparation of payment reports for rewards and fees
Preparation of payment reports for payment of dividends, distribution of surplus, and interest on funds
Preparation of payment reports for real estate usage fees
Preparation of payment reports for the acquisition of real estate

Matters Concerning Security Control Measures


Handling of Outsourcing


Continuous Improvement


Disclosure of Specific Personal Information, etc.


Contact Point for Questions

<Contact Information>

Email: rinricp@yuasa.co.jp
Address: Sumitomo Real Estate Kanda Building (Reception 17F), 7, Kanda-Mitoshirocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8580 Japan
General Affairs Division, YUASA TRADING Co., Ltd.