Investor Relations FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions
Corporate Governance Code Compliance
In addition to further increasing the transparency and soundness of management, we are implementing initiatives such as increasing the number of independent outside directors and appointing female directors in order to achieve sustainable growth and improve corporate value over the medium to long term.
How many shares per trading unit?
There are 100 shares per unit.
What is the securities code?
It is 8074.
What is the contact for inquiries about share procedures such as inquiries about address changes, transfers and payment of dividends?
Please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, our shareholder registry administrator. The formats for various change notifications and name change requests can be downloaded from the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking website below.
<Contact information>
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation Securities Agency Department
TEL: 0120-232-711
URL: does the Company’s fiscalyear (accounting period) start and end?
It starts on April 1 and ends on the following year's March 31.
When are earnings announced?
We will announce financial results and business results every quarter.
Each announcement date will be posted on the "IR Calendar". Please see there for more details.Where can shareholder communication and securities reports be obtained?
You can view it in the "IR Library".
What is the contact for inquiries about IR?
For inquiries regarding IR, please contact the following.
<Contact information>
17F, Sumitomo Fudosan Kanda Building, 7 Kanda-Mitoshirocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8580, Japan
Email: Our Business
Please see "Our Business" on our homepage.
About Our environmental initiatives
Please see "Sustainability" on our homepage.
Questions at the Financial Results Briefing
Status of Expansion into the Indian Market
We established a local subsidiary in India in 2011 and operate two locations: the head office and a branch office.
Please tell us about your efforts to achieve the 1x P/B ratio level.
In order to further enhance our reputation in the market, we will work to enhance information disclosure to investors in addition to implementing our performance plans.
What is the ratio of new graduates to mid-career recruits?
The ratio of experienced hires (mid-career recruits) to full-time employees is 29.9% (as of the end of March 2023).
What is the ratio of female employees?
The percentage of female employees among full-time employees is 37.1% (as of the end of March 2023).
Competitive differentiators
Our main strengths are:
・A corporate culture that has responded to change and taken on various challenges for over 350 years.
・One of the largest networks in the industry and a rich product lineup
・The total coordinate skills of the group that can handle everything from marketing to proposals, procurement, construction, and maintenance.
Currently, our company is striving to create new value with the catchphrase of "TSUNAGU" service integrated shosha group that connects our strengths in networks, products, and group functions to solve social issues.About Competitors
Our company is a specialized trading company that operates in multiple sectors, so there are competing companies in each segment, but no company whose business areas completely match ours.
Impact of the Weakening Yen
While the consumer goods and lumber sectors are expected to be affected by rising raw material costs, the industrial machinery sector is expected to see an improvement in the price competitiveness of domestically produced machinery.
Impact of the Situation in Ukraine
Although the direct impact is on some parts of the timber business and construction machinery segment, it is not a major impact.
Indirect effects such as increased transportation costs, increased purchasing prices due to rising raw material prices, delivery delays, decreased investment appetite, refraining from purchasing, and other indirect effects will become concerns as the situation continues for a long time to come.Advertising and Public Relations Strategy
We are conducting newspaper advertisements and supporting professional athletes, and will continue to consider implementing advertising and public relations aimed at increasing awareness.
CO2 Reduction Targets
We will combine and implement multiple methodologies, such as introducing renewable energy, promoting energy conservation, and switching commercial vehicles to eco-friendly cars.
About Shareholder Benefits
Our policy is to return profits to our shareholders through dividends, and there are currently no plans to introduce shareholder benefits.
About Stock Split
We understand that improving the investment environment is one of our measures to return profits to shareholders, but we will refrain from discussing the details of the review. I'm sorry.
What is the reason for owning the building and land when relocating the head office?
As a result of considering the surrounding environment, convenience, asset value, etc., based on the premise of "concentration of our group's bases in the metropolitan area" and "a highly flexible office layout that combines convenience and comfort," we acquired the land rather than renting it. We have also decided to construct a new head office building.